Teachers on a field trip in Second Life

In spring 2008, two online friends and colleagues of mine and I have created a group calles SLexperiments for language teachers who want to or already teach in Second Life. The aim is to share our knowledge, demonstrate tools, invite guest speakers, go on field trips and, of course, also socialise 🙂

We have been meeting every Friday since April 2008 and have over 70 members now, from total newbies to experts.

Here is a machinima (a video made in a virtual world) from our last meeting in which Dennis Newson, one of our early members, has taken us on a field trip to an educational island, Boracay, created by Nick Noakes. The machinima was produced by Calisto Encinal (SL name). Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Teachers on a field trip in Second Life

  1. Quite a tour!!!! beautiful site! I will go there myself, and i’ll invite others to join me!

    Thanks for sharing this great machinima.

    Andrea Arfini
    Andrearookie Ansar in SL

  2. Thanks, Andrea!

    Yes, it’s a beautiful island and there is a lot one can explore.
    It’s definitely more fun with a group.
    Let me know what you think of it.