Jul 18

SLanguages 2009 conference archives

I didn’t manage to blog about, SLanguages 2009, the annual conference dedicated to language teaching and learning in Second Life which is increasingly becoming popular.  But the conference website contains lots of valuable information, links and resources that I wanted to share the link with you. It is worth visiting even after the conference.

Many sessions at this year’s conference were video or audio recorded and presenters shared their slides. They can all be found in the archive.The presentation my colleagues Graham, Nick, Dennis and I gave — Virtual Worlds and Language Learning —  is also there.

Mar 29

Presentation: Language Learning and Teaching in Virtual Worlds

As mentioned in my previous post, today my colleagus and I presented at the Virtual Worlds Best Practices Conference in Second Life about our 6-week online teacher training session Virtual Worlds & Language Teaching. Many of our VWLL participants were present and supported us and I’d really like to thank them for this and for being such active participants during the session.

The roundtable was attended quite well although we had almost nobody from the US because it was too early in the morining on a Sunday 🙂

Although it was announced as a roundtable, it was more a presentation with a Q&A session at the end. We had many positive comments from the audience and it was obvious that there was interest from the questions we received. However, we did not have a discussion about language learning/teaching in SL or more specificially about teacher training in SL. I don’t know whether this was due to time constrainsts or whether participants needed time to digest what they had seen and were told. Maybe we, the presenters, could have asked some questions back to the audience. This will be something that I will think about before our next presentation.

Here are our presentation slides (not in any particular order):

And here are some snapshots from the presentation (courtesy of Carol Rainbow):

The session has finished and the presentation is over but the VWLL community in our Ning and in SL is still vibrant and interested language teachers are welcome to join.